Foreign portfolio investment (FPI)
- If you're a citizen of India and/or have attained the age of majority, then you can make FPI investments.
- Any person who has attained the age of majority (18 years) is eligible to hold an FPI account.
- An individual cannot hold more than one FPI account at any point in time. However, an individual may apply for multiple accounts simultaneously if he or she wishes to.
- There are a variety of types of FPI investments, including:
- Equity investments
- Debt investments
- Derivatives (such as options and futures contracts)
- Currency - Gold - Commodities
- Debt instruments
- Equity instruments. The FPI can invest in equity instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) only up to its total investment limit for debt investments. The FPI has no limit on the amount of equity investments it can make in debt instruments like debentures or government securities.
What are the risks involved in FPI?
Risks of investing in the stock market
Risks of investing in the bond market
Risks of investing in the currency market
Risk of investing in derivatives and commodities
FPIs will bring more liquidity to the market.
FPI investors will bring more liquidity to the market.
FPIs will help in increasing the capital base of companies.
FPIs will help in increasing the share prices of companies.
The number of buyers in the market would increase due to FPI inflows and thus, there will be more competition for stocks which may result in higher prices for these stocks as well as better valuations for them at the same time
Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) is a way for businesses to gain access to foreign capital. FPI can be used by companies in different industries including manufacturing, technology, and retail. In order to make these investments, businesses need to follow certain rules set out by regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).