Microsoft Advertising adCenter Support can be contacted in following manners in India
- Microsoft Advertising adCenter Support Phone Number: 000-800-440-2074
- Hours of operation: 10:00 to 18:00 India Standard Time Monday thru Friday
- Click “Help” in the upper-right corner of any adCenter page to access a complete set of help topics. From there, you can also see videos that will guide you through tasks, and provide you with useful tips. You can also find resources the Microsoft Advertising Community at http://advertising.microsoftcom/india/small-business/home
- Please visit the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance website http://www.searchalliancecom/india/en/home
Concern about Microsoft Advertising
Their email id ADSPT.ACST.AS.IN.EN.PRC.TMP.UA.T01.SPT.00.PI@css(dot) which contacts an advertiser looks like a spam email and we fail to understand that why they have a spammy type email id. We even contacted them and stated that their email looks spam and they should rectify it and to that they replied that it is their correct email id. God save the advertisers if they are planning to contact them by using such an email.
Signing off
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